Smart homes were science fiction stuff back decades ago. With the advances in technology these days, the demand for smarter homes become more and more. With a little bare engineering, we will try to model a house with lighting that can be controlled via a USB port, creating a "smart home" appeal. Because the technology is available using microcontrollers, we will be able to deploy the system in a very cost efficient scenario. The goal again is not to re-invent but rather to create something with bare engineering and still have fun along the way.
We will start with the model house built by the kids above. It has a garage, a kitchen, a bedroom, toilet and a little living space. The project will be to light this model house using LED's. The LED's will be controlled via software in a PC.
How to make it possible:
1. Model house - need decorations...
2. LED's controlled by Arduino Uno
3. PC with application software written in VB
4. The PC will communicate with the Arduino via USB to trigger light switching
5. Target completion - within Dec 2013 :-)